Sammy Sulmara

Pirate / former Maelstrom officer / Unemployed

Who am i?
Well to give you a short overview, My name Is Samatha Aan Sulmara. I am the youngest child of Trade Baron Simon Sulmara. Yeah that's right I wasn't born in Eorzea, but this place has become my home.
I was captured by a pirate crew called the laughing jackals, and was going to be sold into slavery if it was not thanks to the Maelstrom, i was taken in by them and beaten and broken I didn't have the will power to go back to my homeland with my tail tucked between my legs.So i stuck around, i made a living working with the Mealstrom, for a long while, but sadly my life has taken another path, and now i'm an "adventurer" I don't know where my life will take me, but right now I'm looking for a new path in life.

Quick overview.
I'm always looking to RP, but sitting around waiting for someone to hit me up takes awhile do I busy myself with playing the game, that said if you ever want to RP with me you just need to shoot me a tell, and I'll go from game mode to RP mode.
What I'm looking for in an RP.
I want to set up long term RP stories, that dosen't mean if you hit on Sammy, she won't flirt back, but I'd rather you come at her with a story in mind rather then just hit me up OOC and ask if she is down to fuck, come at it via RP, and we will get things going.
My favorite kinds of RP is real Adventure RP lets go out and see the world and make stories together, lets learn about each other and see where that leads us. I am Willing to DM events be it a heated battle or just a trip down to the market. That said if there is a story you want to tell i'll be more then happy to just follow along with Sammy.I do have a larger story with Sammy and here family that I want to explore with people, but I haven't had much luck with finding people to do long term stories with, and I don't want to just write that as a short story I rather have it be something that we can both share, something where we can both grow our character's stories and have them grow as people.If you're not bored out of your mind at this point, feel free to send a tell, and just say that you're interested, and if you really want to see more I've written out a bit of lore for Sammy and my head cannon Island nation of Ismual, feel free to look that over and see if anything peeks your interest.


Where I come from! I wasn't born in Eorzea, instead I was born on a small Island a few hundred malms away from Garlemald. Normally these Islands are not worth the trouble of messing with, but our tiny Island home was rich in ceruleum. This lead my people to start to trade with the empire, this grew our economy making Ishmaul wealthy. This is where my story starts. I wasn't always a pirate, before I came to Eorzea, my older brother Sage and I, were the only Children of our Father Simon Sulmara, A high Ranking Trade Duke from Ishmaul. Not So Lady Like My Life on Ishmual was one of always disappointing my father. While my brother Sage was born to be the heir to my Father's trade companies. I on the other hand never quite fit in with "high society". The other noble girls were always one for tea parties and dolls. While I was more at home playing guards and rogues with the boys in the forest. My life wasn't to bad though, while I may have disappointed my father; I always did have Sage to watch out for me. Sage was always there for me, patching me up after I fell out of a tree or stitching up my clothes when they ripped. Sage even stood up to my father when he was too hard on me. I was a lucky sister to have a brother like Sage. I honestly had a really happy life on Ishmual. Yet another DisappointmentI really enjoyed my time in school, I made a lot of friends, and honestly got a pretty good education. Going to one of the top rated schools inour country. This was mostly due to the fact that my father bought my way in. While Sage made it into the school on his own merits. I was never a good student unlike my brother. After our time in school came to an end, then came the time to serve in the Ishmualin military. Service was required for every person on Ishmual after they got done with their education. Though being the daughter of a Trade Duke, my father was able to buy out the contracts for my Brother and I. While my brother was all set to take over my father's companies. Truth is it never felt right to me. Who was I to not serve my nation, while everyone else had to? So, instead of letting my father buy out my contract, I signed up as soon as graduation ceremony was over. Truth is i was still in my cap and gown when I signed up. My father was furious with the fact that I wanted to serve. I still recall the spit flying from his mouth as he yelled "You're wasting yourself in the military." My father's idea of a future for me, was to ship me off to the Empire. So I could learn to be lady like in an empire university. His hope was to find an Empire nobleman's son to marry me off to. This could strengthen his ties with the empire so much so that he could maybe unseat the current trade prince.Thank you Sir, may I have another!Military service, I want to say it was the best of times, and the worst of times. Military service from and Island nation mostly meant guarding supplies ships, and hunting pirates. for the most part I really loved my time in the Ishmualin Military. Traveling the world I got to see all kinds of ports, and really get my adventuring kicks. I was about three years into my service, and thinking about becoming a lifer, when our ships were hit. We did our best to keep the merchants safe, but buyiong time for them to escape doomed our ships. I thought i was gonna drown out in the azure sea...Life as a slaveSince i'm telling you this story no I didn't die in the azure sea, but for many of us who made it out of there, it could have been better than what we got; you see we were hit by a small fleet of pirates called the Laughing jackals. Life as a woman on a pirate ship was... a lot of the girls there didn't make it long, and a lot of the men where killed or sold into slavery. For weeks I saw women i knew get used up and thrown away into the sea. I was lucky enough after a show of force, I wasn't abused much. Biting a mans cock off normally shows would be rapists, that there are easier women to aim for. This was the only thing that kept me alive honestly, instead of killing me, they starved me, they tried to break my will, and it almost worked.

Ishmual Lore

Life on Ishmual!Ishmual's life blood is trade, so your rank in society is based on how much trade you can do, from the lowliest Street Stall, all the way up to Companies that do trade all over the world.Trade Prince This is the leader of Ishmual, they run the largest companies, someone who has control over many Trade guilds, and can shift the power of the nation. It is often that the Trade Prince or princess comes from a family with a large stake in Ceruleum, or someone with Strong ties to the Empire.Trade Duke: This is the title of Someone who runs some of the Trade guilds while they may not shift power as much as a Trade Prince, they are some of the large movers and shakers of Ishmual.Trade Baron: Trade Barons are up and coming Guild leaders while their companies are new, they are starting to make a name for themselves, these people are starting to really break out of the economy of Ishmual, their wares are starting to reach international markets.Merchants: These are people who deal in local trade, from farmers selling their crops all the way up to small guilds that mostly deal with domestic trade.Military: Being a small Island nation everyone in Ishmual has to spend a term of five years in the Military, but there are a few people who are life long Military, they are in a grey zone in Ishmualing society, while it is important to have a standing army, most families look down on a child who seeks a career in the military.Education: Ishmaul offers free education to everyone on their Island, this is broken up into Public education, and Private education. Public education will teach all young students how to read write, and basic math. Private Education on the other hand will cost you, but they are far better schools, teaching everything from business management, to Dance, all the way up to Empire etiquette.

MaelstromI was left rotting away on a pirate ship, i was days away from dying or giving into my captors. it was in those last days I thought all hope was lost, and I would end up as nothing more than a snack for a hungry shark, but it was on that last day, when I thought, I was going to give up. It was that day the Maelstrom saved my life. I don't recall a lot of what happen, but what i do recall, is that I was the last of the hostages, everyone else was sold or dead, so the Captain of the Laughing Jackal Took me hostage in his quarters, not thinking much of the starving Slave girl, he turned his back on me, and parleyed with the Maelstrom officer on the other side of the door. It was there I met my first true friend outside of Ishmual, that being the Axe the Captain had left on his desk, while he held a gun to the door. Using the very last of my might I picked up the forgotten axe, and drove it into the back of the Captains skull.home away from homeAfter the captain died, i was taken into the Maelstrom, just another lost soul saved from a pirate ship. I spent weeks recovering in Limsa, never going anywhere without the axe that I had stolen. It was only when I held that axe I felt safe, like I was back in control of my life, but even in this safe place, with people who cared about my health and safety did I feel afraid, I was an Ismualin soldier in Eorzea. While not at war with the Eorzeans, our relations were rather frosty, Ishmual being an allied state with the Empire. I was shocked even when I told them who I was or where i came from that many of the Maelstrom didn't even blink an eye. While in my time in Ishmual I was taught that the Eorzeans were savages, and that the Limsins were the worst, but during my time in Limsa I saw that for the lie it was. While yes the Limsins were pirates, there were nothing like the Jackals, i don't know, maybe I just have a soft sport for them since they saved my life.Crashing WaveDuring my time in Limsa, it was clear to me that I couldn't go home, it's not like I wasn't free to do so. Rather there was something in me keeping me from returning to Ishmual, maybe it was just the fact that I didn't want to return home a broken slave who's only friend was a battle axe. That said, I clearly never ended up back home, and after the hospital kicked me out, i had to look for work, but most places like the Drowning Wench dosen't want it's drink girls carrying a battle axe (most of the time). So I was shit out of luck, my best hope was maybe the yellow jackets, it was then when I met Crashing Wave. Crashing was a Maelstrom officer who had led the attack of the Jackal's fleet, he recognized me from the battle axe, and asked about how i was, and what i was doing trying to join up with the Yellow jackets. I told him the whole long story, and he offered me something better Crashing Wave was my sponsor for Maelstrom officer training.Maelstrom serviceWhile I thought I had a good time with the Ishmualin Military, i have to admit, my time in the Maelstrom was the best time of my life. While I was always a bit headstrong I had a good commanding officer to work under. Crashing Wave allowed me to reach my full value as a solider, as well as teaching me what it meant to be a leader, I owe everything that I am now to that old Roe can never go homeI never really got that saying before, but once word got to me, that Ishmual had fallen to the Empire, it really kind of sunk in. While sure I can go back to Ishmual, and many things will be the same, it would never be home again. I found out about the fall of Ishmual maybe about two years into my service with the Maelstrom, Crashing was the one to tell me, he thought i would care. But in all honesty Ishmual stopped being my home a long time ago. it still hurt to know that the Empire had stabbed us in the back.The thought that my brother and father were now slaves of the empire. Soon enough when war broke out between Eorzea, and the empire did i start to see Sulmaran magitek armor on the battlefield, it broke my heart to see that crest on the armor that I was now fighting, because in a way it felt like I was fighting my own family...The battle of the Ghimlyt DarkThe war to take back Alamego, that's when I earned my stripes, it was then i started to wear the Blue wolf's pier marks on my face a dot for each battle, and a reminder of fallen friends, the worst part of that war, was the same battle that got me kicked out of the Maelstrom; It was the battle of Ghimlyt Dark, Crashing was the Captain of 10th platoon, with me as his first lieutenant, we were on guard duty when the Empire started their attack. Our job was to hold the line as long as we could. I Think i may have even caught a glimpse of the Warrior of light as they ran past, but my memory is pretty foggy from that night. It was this night that I was cursed by the Rage. I don't really know what happened to me, but the last thing I know is Crashing and I were fighting side by side together, and one moment he was there the next he was on the ground. Something in me broke seeing Crashing like that, all the fear the rage, it filled me, and i became a terror on the battlefield. I attacked anyone who got to close to Crashing's body. I still don't know what this curse is, but after the battle One of the Xaelan tribals told me about the curse of the Chaghan, but there is still much to learn there."Medical retirement"After the battle of the Dark, i felt pretty fucking low. The only real family I had here was gone, and I felt so alone, and my new "curse" got the better of me. When I found out I would be put under an new captain. Needless to say words were spoken, and this new Captain ended up being thrown into a river. shortly after this I was discharged from the Maelstrom until I could get my head figured out. And there you have it, that's my whole long fucking story, now I'm stuck looking for work, and a way to fix my fucking head. Thanks for listening to me ramble on.

Character Sheet

Full Name: Samatha Sulmara
Nicknames: Sammy
Birthday: 02/22
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Miqo'te
Origin: Ishmualin Miqo'te.
Class: Soldier,
Height: 6' 0"
Scent: Strawberries, and cut grass.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Color: Tanned.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with Futa/Female lean sulmara//(NSFW)
Current Residence: Balmung Topmast apartments
Occupation: Traveling adventurer/ bum
Ailments: Rage curse, on medical leave from her unit.

The first singer in this video is Samm'y voice claim.